Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oracle SQL: Convert a String to DateTime

 Convert a  string (with a data & time)  To  DateTime in SQL:

select to_date(TO_CHAR(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')||' 12:00:01 AM','MM/DD/YYYY hh:mi:ss pm') from dual;

highlighted one will be String containing date time.


Excel to CI - Can't find Project or Library

Excel to CI libraries by default  it refer to 'PS_HOME/Excel' directory
This error will due to the, this folder is not reachable for the excel.

If any excel to CI template will give below error. Follow the below steps to solve.


2. Click Ok & go to the Excel press < Alt + F11 > key. It will open Visual Basic Editor.

3. Follow the Screenshot

4. Check the missing library in below screenshot

  5. This RelLangMcro.xla will be located in 'PS_HOME/Excel' folder.

   Copy this file & paste into your current excel to CI folder.

 for eg: the Excel to Ci tmeplate present c:\test. place the missing file in C:\test.
