Monday, December 28, 2015

SqlCl / SdSql on LDAP

At least some of you might have heard about SqlCL. if you don't, you guys know how to find it ..easy ( google it..!! or refer to

SqlCL - In Simple same as sqlplus but with additional (I will say Cool) set of new commands to interact with database.

so how do you install it.

             SQL Developer(latest version)
             Database Client (either Full or Instant Client).
             Correct environment variable.

Download here:

unzip the folder , below is the dir structure
                          for eg: C:\Temp\sqlcl
                                                                    \.. some jar files

 if windows, you will open sql.exe or sql.bat file to open the command line.  if you open up sql.bat file, you'll see two different environment  variables SQL_HOME and ORACLE_HOME make sure those are right. (in my case I edited the file to modify file set SQL_HOME path set to direct sql developer path)

If you've local database or database client with TNS file installation is straightforward.
         Click on Sql.exe
                       enter username/password@dbname
         Open Command line:
                       C:\temp\sqlcl\bin>sql /nolog
                       sql>connect test_user\test_pwd@test_servicename

If are using LDAP to sign in Database, below additional to step to follow.

Set the environment LDAPCON (by setting up in windows environment variable or by using set or export command

set LDAPCON jdbc:oracle:thin:@ldap://,cn=OracleContext,dc=test1,dc=test1

(All the bold lettered information typically you will find in LDAP.ora file in ORACLE_HOME folder)

         Click on Sql.exe
                       enter username/password@dbname
         Open Command line:
                       C:\temp\sqlcl\bin>sql /nolog
                       sql>connect test_user\test_pwd@test_servicename

for commands help refer to blog.


Thursday, February 5, 2015

PeopleTools 8.54 Dynamic Alert Sliding Window Demo/ Event Notifications

The dynamic alert sliding windows concept is interesting and notifications are real time. It uses  web socket Push technology in Webserver.

I gave shot on configuring the event notification and its pretty simple when compared to the REN Server configuration. Impressed. 

Click below link to see the demo