I've requirement to prepare dynamic where cluses based on setup.
In Setup: PLAN_TYPE values are stored like this as string : '10','11','15'.
This string needs to inserted into AET ; In SQL Action, passed value using %bind().
eg: In AET
SR_TEST_AET.DESCR = '10','11','15'
SQL Action:
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (%bind(DESC)).
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (''''10'',''11'',''15'''') - due to this i faced lot of problem.
Solution: to insert dynamic clasue:
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (%bind(DESC),NOQUOTES);
it solves my problem & it expands as required
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in ( '10','11','15').
In Setup: PLAN_TYPE values are stored like this as string : '10','11','15'.
This string needs to inserted into AET ; In SQL Action, passed value using %bind().
eg: In AET
SR_TEST_AET.DESCR = '10','11','15'
SQL Action:
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (%bind(DESC)).
Internally this sql is expanding differently as below :
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (''''10'',''11'',''15'''') - due to this i faced lot of problem.
Solution: to insert dynamic clasue:
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in (%bind(DESC),NOQUOTES);
it solves my problem & it expands as required
Select * from PS_SR_TEST_REC where plan_type in ( '10','11','15').