Wednesday, February 27, 2013

PeopleTools 8.53/ PS 9.2 : PS Query :New Functionality Transformations Using XSLT

In PeopleTools 8.53, Oracle has added a new tab called Transformation. Hmm Transformation heard somewhere.. ya.. used in Integration broker in order to transform(or format) the input message. 

So what is this transformation do with PS/Query ?

PeopleBooks Query Transformations

Basically If you want to transform the PS Query output to a different presentation format rather providing in standard table format.

for eg;  you want table header background with different color & you need some heading for report & want CSV output report readily...etc i..e User Defined Output

In Order to achieve all these kind of things need to have little about  XSLT, HTML and XPATH language.

 basics can be found

So I have tried my self example :

Created query & In the Transformation tab & Click Add XSLT name you XSLT (Why naming XSLT coz you can have n number of XSLT formats I dont know the max limit ).

Click & click on Preview XSLT

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