Sunday, October 9, 2011

Trick:NA payroll : Pay Calculation for single employee

Like GP, NA payroll does not have option to run pay calculation for single/multiple employees'.

To run for specific employees in NA payroll, need to change the payline status. If any changes we made in online to paysheets then also it will trigger pay_line_status = 'U'

for eg: using below sql we can update the payline to - Job Chage.

  SET A.JOB_CHANGE = 'R'  where emplid ='XXXX' and pay_end_dt='DD-MON-YYYY'.

after updating the payline status, run pay calculation by selecting the option  below.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Workaround :Overtime FLSA calculation Empl on multiple companies-NA payroll (till PS 9.1)

If empl is working on multiple companies peoplesoft (till 9.1 versions) does not calculate overtime FLSA as employee level & It calculates company level.

We had a requirement to calculate FLSA employee level.

After some analysis over changing the COBOL we found the FLSA calculation & but its quite risky to touch COBOL & time taking procedure.

So a workaround to achieve this, we have created custom appengine it will run after payroll calculation.

The main custom AE function is, to calculate the overtime based on FLSA by combining multiple company paylines(earnings). 

The Final amount paid by the employee is Diff between the Custom AE overtime amt  and overtime amount which calculated by Peoplesoft

AE contains two parts.

     1. Without prior period adjustment 

     2. With Prior adjustments (most complex part). 



Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Oracle SQL: Convert a String to DateTime

 Convert a  string (with a data & time)  To  DateTime in SQL:

select to_date(TO_CHAR(sysdate,'MM/DD/YYYY')||' 12:00:01 AM','MM/DD/YYYY hh:mi:ss pm') from dual;

highlighted one will be String containing date time.


Excel to CI - Can't find Project or Library

Excel to CI libraries by default  it refer to 'PS_HOME/Excel' directory
This error will due to the, this folder is not reachable for the excel.

If any excel to CI template will give below error. Follow the below steps to solve.


2. Click Ok & go to the Excel press < Alt + F11 > key. It will open Visual Basic Editor.

3. Follow the Screenshot

4. Check the missing library in below screenshot

  5. This RelLangMcro.xla will be located in 'PS_HOME/Excel' folder.

   Copy this file & paste into your current excel to CI folder.

 for eg: the Excel to Ci tmeplate present c:\test. place the missing file in C:\test.


Thursday, March 24, 2011

Integration Broker: Publish Person_Basic_FullSync

Things to remember while publishing Person_Basic_FullSync.

PeopleSoft uses Version_3 messsage to publish Person_Basic_FullSync  service operation to FSCM.

1. Make Sure the Service Operation version same as the message version.
2.Routing Version should be same as the message version.
3.The external alias should same fro both Local & Remote Nodes(PSFT_HR & PSFT_EP).


Saturday, March 12, 2011

FSCM 9.1 Feature Pack March 2011 on VM Ware

Peoplesoft has released FSCM91 feature pack in Mar 2011.

Available for download in edelivery.

Installed in VM ware Virtual machine with the RAM : 1.5 GB & It took 8 hrs to complete the DB creation on SQL Server 2008 with PeopleTools 8.51.06.

Database Sizes  PeopeSoft 9.1:

FSCM91 : 5.0 GB
HCM91  : 4.5 GB 


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Solution : PeopleSoft CREFs set to expire on 31-DEC-2010

There are around 1560 (approx) content reference expiry date set to 31-DEC-2010.

Steps to resolve this:

1. Download the project from : - ow&type=NOT&id=1183084.1

    Oracle delivered a project which resets  expiry date to NULL. Run the app engine from AppDesigner.

2. Run the Portal Security Sync.

3. Cleare AppServ Cached & Browser.

    Check the PSPRSMDEFN table to verify the Expirty Date set null.

Source: Oracle

If the above not worked.

1. Assigne PeopleSoft Administrator role to PS user from backend.
    Insert into psroleuser values('PS','PeopleSoft Administrator','N');

either of the steps will work.


Monday, February 28, 2011

Difference between flush() and flushrow() methods in rowset

when i am working in PeopleTools tables for the specific requirement,
I've used flush() function to clear the rowset & saved the component. I though data might be deleted from the database but its dint.

Then used flushrow() to delete the row from the buffer & saved the component. Then the row got deleted from DB.

So the diff between these two is:

1. Flush will delete the rowset in buffer context & 'll not saved to the database(eventhough saved entire component).

2. Flushrow delete the row buffer, when you save the component the row got deleted from db too.

Using Flush more advantageous then Flushrow. Flush is not data Destructive.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

News: Peoplesoft HRMS 9.1 Feature Packs

Oracle started delivering feature packs yearly once by combing Bundles and maintainance packs.

More information available in Oracle Support : [ID 1268076.1]

The Current feature pack release in Dec 2010 & available in edelivery.

PeopleSoft 9.2 release planned for 2012.

Oracle Support

Thursday, February 17, 2011

News: Global Payroll for US country extn released

Global Payroll for US country extn released in 9.1 Feature Pack - December 2010.

To install these feature you must be using PeopleTools 8.51.02 & HR 9.1


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Thursday, January 27, 2011

BI Publisher Desktop Problem after Upgrading Office 2007 to 2010

I've recently upgraded Microsoft office 2007 to 2010 & BI publisher stopped working by saying the below error.

"The macro cannot be found or has been disabled because of your macro security settings and Object library invalid or contains references to object definitions that could not be found".

I googled  for the solution, to fix this followed the below steps:

1.Open Regedit
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\14.0\Word\Security\Trusted Locations :

follow the video:-  (

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

HCM 9.1 :Bulk Insert into long fields (CLOB)

when you have enable the rich text editor for long fields you can format the text in different styles & font.

If it is bulk data,

Use SQL insert statments to load and append the html tags (related to formatting) for the long text.

It works!!
