Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oralce Instant Client Instructions instead of Oracle Db Client (Using Toad/App Designer)

"To setup Toad with Oracle Client existed in Remote place:

Follow the steps:

1. Install Toad.

2. Download Oracle Instant Client from the following site (64-bit):

3. Place the instant client folder in some directory. Let's C:\Srinivas\InstantClient.

4.Create TNSNAMES.ORA file & place in C:\Srinivas\InstantClient folder.

  Sample TNSNAMES.ORA file:-

           (DESCRIPTION =
           (ADDRESS_LIST =
           (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = your_db_host_name)(PORT = your_db_port_no))  )
          (CONNECT_DATA =
          (SID = your_dbname)
          (SERVER = DEDICATED)
5. Create Environment Variable


That's it!!!!!   "


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